sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Image = Everything

I think that tell the story of Ghost World in a post has no sense since it is just a matter of looking  up the story on internet. What I find really interesting about this comic is the power that "image" has. The fact of being written in a period in which image was of paramount importance, I think it was crucial in the plot of the story.

One of the aspects that called my attention the most was the attitude that Enid has when facing the "criticism" of people, since she tries to make herself believe that she does not care about what people think. In that sense Enid wants to go against the grain in a superficial world in which appearance seems to be everything. Albeit she is trying to be stick to this way of thinking, deep inside she knows that she is immerse in a system of superficiality that is consuming every aspect of people's life.

The development of the story in Ghost World, shows us how Enid's actions are not consistent with her thoughts. She does not want to accept that she cares about what people think. In fact, a good example of this is when she realizes that her green hair is not well accepted by people and she decides to change it back. This is a very important point since it may be considered as a contradiction but at the same time, it is an example of how society's way of thinking,influences so much in human beings.

Also, in relation to what we have been covering ,I believe that is  a very interesting point of discussion could be if it is possible to "fight the power". In the previous units of the term we had been covering how writers, somehow tried to express their critics to society and what they felt about a certain period of the history of the world. That is the case of the poets of the modernism or writers of the postcolonialism. So in that line of thought, it is possible to state that the fact of being "rebel" in writing it is been present for a long time.

2 comentarios:

  1. I found very interesting the connection you've stated regarding Enid attitudes and the attitude that our society has on superficiality. I tally with your dea about how society has push us to focus on the external rather than on the interal aspects of a person. Moreover, I sincerely believe that Enid is a clear representation of today's society problems. If we look around, we can see that most of us constantly is asking about what He or She thinks about me, How do I look? Do I fit the standar model? So in that way, I feel that our society has lost some of the essential components that it used to have. I am not saying that is bad to take care of your way of looking or what you wear, but I do think that we have mistaken the righ focus on superficiality.

  2. I agree with everything that you wrote, however I would like to expand a little bit more on two points.

    Firstly, I believe no one is oblivious to others opinion even if they try to pretend that they do not care. Humans are social beings that need the acceptance of their pairs in order to live. For some, the opinion of the entire society matters and for others just the one of their love ones. How many times have we change a decision just because our mother or a friend said something negative to us. Most of our decisions are the conclusion that we made of others and our personal point of view on something.

    Secondly, "being rebel" as you wrote is a human trait. Thanks to that trait we have accomplished lots of things but at the same time we have clashed in lots of things too. It is difficult to agree with everyone so what is good for some is not so good for others and I think writers have taken advantage of that and have created masterpieces like the ones we have been reading throughout the semester.
