domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Horror Graphic Novels

I have never liked graphic novels or comics basically because I always thought that they were all about superheroes, and the truth is that I was not completely wrong; the most famous graphic novels or comics are based on superheroes’ adventures, for example, Batman or Watchmen. However, after reading Art Spiegelman’s Maus and Daniel Clowes’ Ghost World I realised that there are more than superheroes in the world of graphic novels.

If we take into consideration that Maus is a survivor’s tale and Ghost Wold narrates the story of two teenagers, we can see that deep, sometimes cruel, dramatic, and fun stories can also be part of the graphic novel genre. That is why I want to refer to something different that is horror graphic novels.

I have always liked horror stories and in the Literature course we have not read any. So I did a
research and I found out that there are many horror movies and TV shows based on graphic novels, for example, 30 Days of Night, Tales from the Crypt, The Crow, The Walking Dead, among others. It was a whole new discovery for me. I actually started to read Alan Moore’s From Hell, a novel based on the story of Jack the Ripper.

If there is something I can say to those who refuse to read comics, as I did, is that maybe you should do a research to see that graphic novels cover much more than Batman stories, I am sure you would be nicely surprised. 

For the ones who like horror stories I have a link where you can find many titles and authors. 


5 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with you, we are and we were exposed into a world of comics of superheroes and stories about great people with superpowers. I did not know books about real situations or related to real life in which the comics were the principal element, and I found amazing the way the authors tell us, for instance in Maus his father's experiencies through drawings.

  2. I'm glad that you researched more about the topic. Many times people stick to the main idea of what a graphic novel or comic is and don't bother to look more into the topic. This is why the public is mostly aware of the mainstream comics such as those from DC and Marvel.

    But as you said, there is much more to this genre than just superheroes. Many known movies are actually based on graphic novels. For example, "300".
    This genre covers many different topics. I personally like to read graphic novels that cover an array of different topics. From the stereotypical superheroes that save the world to ones that touch on more controversial themes, such as homosexuality. There is one called "Blue is the warmest color" that covers that theme.

    I know you don't like comics with superheroes, but there are some that have exceptions. I recommend reading the Deadpool comics. Deadpool, the character, is more of an antihero than a superhero. Also, what is interesting about him is that there is an element of metafiction. He is aware that he is in a comic and is known for breaking the "4th wall".

  3. I'm actually quite a fan of superheroes. But, as well as you I thought that the graphic novels just covered superheroes. It's alluring to know that some of the horror movies that I've seen so far are inspired in graphic novels. It just make want to read them.
    I reallt appreciate the link.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Have you ever thought that maybe the most famous comics are about superheroes because people need to be given the image of someone or something to believe in?
    Images of horror, happiness and even love are easy to create in our minds, however, when it comes to faith it seems human beings need a little help of some friends...
