lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

animal instinct

Animal instinct

you are hungry,you eat
you are thirsty  ,you drink water
you are cold,you find for shelter
and so on...

These animal instinct that we all share
as animals,and that we all answer to
are elements very present in the novel
The Fox by D.H Lawrence.
In my personal opinion he wants to highlight
the fact that the human being escaped from the countryside
during the modern era,they  arrived to the cosmopolitan cities, and they
forgot the relationship with the animal that they have inside of them,
forgetting  the relationship between  them and and nature.
But there is something that they could not forget; their animal
instinc .

"she felt him invisibly master her spirit"

No matter how March made up the fences of the farm,the fox
came in and carry off the hens and chickens.The fox was a demon.
The fox was the animal instinct of March that wants to escape from her,
but March fights against it and she tries to repress  all those feelings.
Everytime that March was thinking and following the fox with ther thoughts,
Banford suddenly appears like a ghost and call her back.
Althogh it was too late,March was totally possessed by him
in soul and body. He knows her spirit.
The fox cames over her like a spell, always controlling
her thoughts and feelings.
Consequently,sooner or later she will give up, and
she will  be domesticated by the fox.



1 comentario:

  1. "The fox cames over her like a spell, always controlling
    her thoughts and feelings."
    That is the sentence that called my attention, the way you figure out how the fox was strongly related to the character, in this case March. We all have an animal instinct, hidden or not. I liked a lot the progression of your thoughts, the relation between the fox and March, the mode that Banford and March were
    represented by your writing.
