In Paris, you may find love almost in every corner of
the city, under a bridge, under the Eiffel tower, in a café. I chose this film,
in order to relate it with the magical way we see a city, the mysterious that
it contains. Here, you will find some aspects that you may not know, the vision
of the city from different points of view from different directors. All is
related with love, happiness, longing, unexpected events, etc.
Modernist writers found in a city,
an amazing metaphor in order to inspire them to write, an association between realities
with fiction, (Cities) they were
also often novel environments, carrying within themselves the complexity and
tension of modern metropolitan life, which so deeply underlies modern consciousness
and modern writing. (Bradbury, Malcolm, Modernism: A Guide to European Literature 1890
– 1930)
The modernist style of
writing conceptualized the idea of the city, in this case I am referring to
London, a metropolitan city which was the center of the improvement and
expansion of modernism, for instance the bohemian life, and the way that technology
was developed (vehicles, infrastructure),…cities were more than accidental meeting
places and crossing points. They were generative environments of the new arts,
focal points of intellectual community, indeed of intellectual conflict and
tension. (Malcolm Bradbury, Modernism: A Guide to
European Literature 1890 – 1930)
According to Bradbury, the city is moving fast, the historical importance that it takes as a center of significant events helps us to identify the way that metropolitan life is coming, the city as a phenomenon, in which is transformed ans conceptualized in a new aspect the city not as a male character, but a female one.
According to Bradbury, the city is moving fast, the historical importance that it takes as a center of significant events helps us to identify the way that metropolitan life is coming, the city as a phenomenon, in which is transformed ans conceptualized in a new aspect the city not as a male character, but a female one.
From my point of view cities were for modernist writers a element of inspiration,food for their thoughts, and a place for living. The most part of modernist writers lived in cosmopolitan and developed cities,such as VienNa,Paris,Berlin,Moscow among others.They were generative environments in wich the intellectuals met in order to exchange opinions,ideas and their lives to make them themes for their literature.